Days gone dog


It’s been more then a minute and months sense my last post. Reasons being I lost my way a bit and couldn’t find the motivations to publish blogs any longer. I kept writing but the motivation.

Death, loss and pain. That has been the spice and black-pills for me. Now I’m done with that. New era and new changes.

A lot of changes. Good and bad changes in the world. I find it all funny some how and I want to make people laugh and enjoy words and life for it’s puzzling and complicated moments.

I found my motivation. I’ll be bustling the blog as my job. You, the reader are my customer to delight and enchant for today.

This blog will be my street corner. For the would be traveler on the roads of the interwebs. I’ll treat you to a laugh, a smile or whimsical time and place to breath from a world of mad derangement.

The days have gone to the dogs. A division is present. Two waves of opinions. Two roads divided.

Conflict. I used to find it frightening. Now I breath it in like cotton candy vap juice and exhale red smoke and smooth dreamy vibes. I’m dogmatic and hard headed to fight in the shade of the arrows of despair with a smile and a butter knife in my hand.

I encourage you if your feeling low to embrace the same gusto my friend.

Warm Regards,

L. M. Parker



Update 2024

Welcome to the days gone Dogg.

I am your host and the artist known as

The ride doesn’t end and my sense of humor has only been feed and gotten a little darker then I thought it would. This blog is the landscape for my realm of dreams and fictional experiments and my journey in to the wonderful world of the current era of the…..

IRON AGE of the 21st century Americana artists.

I’m just adding up the points now and having a lot of fun. Things are heating up. It’s an election year, wars popping up all the world, Financial woes and over inflation of assholes.

Hmm. Let’s go!

I’m feeling hot damn grateful to be alive and inspired to kick some ass. Get your butter knives up and join me on the creatives journey.

In the lab….working on editing my next book.

It’s taking me some time to finish the second edit and 2nd draft for my new book but I decided to just take my time with this one.

I have three main reasons for it though.

  1. I love the book and charecters.
  2. I’m enjoying editing and looking for mistakes and filling out more detail to add to the lore of the story realm.
  3. I want to make the book better. It’s good but it could be better. I just need to take my time. Everything else is done and ready to go I just need to make the book better.

I’m enjoying writing XO as well. It’s a slow write for me and a new experience writing a thriller with a mixture of pulp fiction. I won’t rush it.

I guess that’s the theme hopefully for a lot of my writing projects for the foreseeable future. Take it slow motion and get it down one paragraph at a time.

Warm Regards


XO “The Glassgo Job” Episode 3

Roberto Glassgo stood at the back of the room entertaining his guests and holding the focus of every eye and attention in the room. He was a man in his early fifties with a presense of power and control around him with a edge of something dangerous behind his clear obesdian black eyes. The black ear ring on his right ear was a call back to a past life when things weren’t as easy and noted that he was in always a self made man from the sands of the Outlands to the silver streets of the purple district.

Only the few old money in the room knew what that black ear ring meant and what Nomadic group it was associated to. The youth and new money in the room had no dream realm idea how dangerously savage this man could be without the money and position that put a civilized mask over him.

I had no intention on getting anywhere close enough to him to find out. Though Glassgo smiled politely enough to seduce and put most in the room at ease around him those obsidian eyes and ear ring put me off. I did a scan of his body with my cybernetic eye and breathed a sigh of relief when the item I had come to collect wasn’t on him.

That was good. It was here though. Somewhere in the penthouse. I just needed to locate it, grab it and get the hell out of here before those obsidian eyes locked on me.

Luckily Glassgo was busy entertaining his guests he was slightly distracted by the explosion that had occurred outside. I would say I had fifty to forty minutes until they either traced it to me or gave up and then Glassgo turned his focus to the penthouse suit then eventually he would see me and game would be up.”

I scanned the penthouse living room. The floors and space taking in the details and sections in the space for guests entertainment. There was a bar with a flat screen AI monitor that showed depictions from tourist attractions around the dream realm, a card table live music playing from a Rocker Boy, Eddie Williams impersonator playing a cheery red light stream guitar. I continued scanning, moving on to the walls and then I found the side office and entrance in out. There was a tall big painting in the office. It was a portrait of a black hair beauty with a alien elemental glowing sword in her hands and nothing else. Hmm.

I felt someone watching me. My eye locked on the source of the pair eyes to see it was Glassgo who was studying me closely. Damn. I looked around the room until my eyes locked on a pair of long legs by the bar. The legs were attached to a auburn hair lady with amber honey eyes that were focused on Glassgo as she sat at the bar sipping on her glass of white wine. She wore a slick semi formeral business dress suit with a silver blue pin on the right breast pocket of her jacket. A female CEO apart of the executive class.

I started toward her. She glanced once at me then looked away back to Glassgo. I smiled and took a seat behind her to add a challenge to the game.

“Are you nervous or obsessed with the host and his money. I can understand why. Money and danger are attractive qualities.”

She half turned to glance at me. “I’m not interested in a drink or anything you would have to say. So save your voice and my ears the attention.”

I nodded my head. “Your nervous about approuching your target.. Otherwise you would have ignored me in favor of looking at your secret crush. Do you need coaching on closing the deal? I am available assisting you in your adventure.”

She stared at me and then laughed in my face. “You’re a comedian?! You seem to be trying to hard to catch me on a charity day. Again, I’m not interested cowboy. How did you get into this party anyway?”

I smiled. “I had an invitation so I walked right inside like everyone else here. I’m only interested in a bit of spicy conversation for the moment and information to feed my mind and keep me from being bored. Tell me about interests you in Glassgo?!”

She frowned at me now. “On Roberto?! That information is easy enough to come by in the morning E-zine Gallup magazine or a twenty-four hour news stream the media talk about him with a faithful devotion of lightning devoted worshiper. What did you really come over here for then?!”

I shrugged and pointed over to digital screen over the bar. “Tell me about the AI screen. It changes at odd rate and the pictures show even odder locations.”

“That’s not why you came over here.” She said with a smile.

I shrugged. “I lost interest for a bit so are you going to tell me something about the AI screen.”

“Your serious?!” She asked no unsure.

I smiled. “You can’t be serious all the time. I’m consultant Charlie Kent by the by. So do you know anything about the AI screen?”

She sighed and turned her body fully toward me. “I’m CEO Eva Sandra. I know more then a little.”

X0 “The Glassgo Job” Episode 2

I moved in close to my target cover and fell into my new persona of Charlie Kent. Mr. Kent? Old money. Black sheep of a family group. Charming. Adventurous.

The feel of the crowd was quiet yet they were all excited to get a pass into the famous and rich Roberto Glassgo’s inner circle private invitation only party.

I made my approuch and my target turned and he stared at my eye wide eyed. I smiled. “I know. I know. I’m a handsome devil am I not old boy.” I said adding charm and whit to my tone and body language.

I felt a few heads turned my way as they heard my distinct accents in my voice.

The mark blushed as he realized what he had been doing. He started to open his mouth to apologize but I shook my head. “No troubles old Boy. The name is Charle Kent. You not have heard of me but trust me that is extreme intentionality by design from my family group.” I said offering him my hand in a upward facing

The jester got more then a few odd raised eyebrows and side glances. It was a uncommon jester of greeting and I completely made up on the spot. The mark mimicked my jester off-handedly. “Hello, the name is Joel Lee. I am the CEO of Data Trades Ink. A pleasure. Ah what do you do,if I may be so bold to ask?”

I laughed loweringly my hand and following into step with him. “I specialize in consulting. I also buy and sell secrets here and there. My family group only permits me to have a small little business. I can’t become an embarrassment on the old money family you know. Does your lovely wife with you manage your clients well?”

Joel stared at me wide eyed in surprise. “I-I ah. Yes. My wife Amanda does so. How did you know that?”

I chuckled. “Like, I told you I buy and sell secrets as well as I do a little consulting work for the authority, ah no. I meant the purple district clients.” I said with a fake smile of embarrassment at the intentional slip up.

Joel stared at me. “Your a sp-ah!” He stopped because his wife gave him a little kick.

Amanda offered her hand to me. “Pleased to meet you executive class Kent.”

I bowed my head over her hand for a second. “Charmed. But please call me consultant Kent. How is the managment of Deta trades now-a-days?” I asked as we neared the front doors to the building.

Amanda laughed. “Are you interested in our company secrets Consultant Kent?”

Security druids checked invites and let in a few guests and herded several others away that failed the test. Tight security. Hmm. I figured as much.

I shook my head and I reached into my pocket. “Not really. I’m just interested in a casual conversation with interesting people. Nothing big. Joel. What deals are you planning on making tonight? Feel free to lie to me. I enjoy good stories.” I asked and then I hit the switch on my remote trigger before I removed a soft candy and unwrapped it slipped the candy into my mouth. I rolled the candy in my mouth staring at him and waited for signal to go out to the box I put in the trash bin a ten feet away.

Joel frowned at me. “Is Charlie Kent your real name?”

I gave him a sincere smile. “You are new here aren’t you? I like how adorable you are. Why would I give you the real name to my family group in a public setting?! What fun would that be? Not to mention the hell my dear grand mother would raise if I did so gives me pause because of the hold she has on my allowance this month.” I said and heard a few chuckles from the nosy gentleman and ladies listening intently to our conversation.

Joel blushed and even his wife hide a smile under her hand. He frowned at me. “Why the fake name then?”

I stared at him. “You believe everyone here is who they say they are?!” I snorted loudly in real laughter as an explosion went off behind me distracting everyone in the crowd.

My window of opportunity was open for a short period as panic and disorder spread like a virus through the crowd. I turned as the others did but I quickly snatched up Joel’s free arm and jerked him forward to the doors. “It looks like we had better hurry inside before what is going on outside catches up to us old boy.” I said adding a little bit of nervous tone to my voice that kicked Joel in to moving forward.

We quickly moved toward the druids flashing over our cards as some of the druids hurried out to secure the area of danger. We were let inside with little interaction between the security detail and guards. I walked inside the building walking quickly to the elevator with a smile on my face. I saw the camera inside in the corner overhead. Hmm. Can’t avoid everything. The camera would get my image. Have to figure out how to handle what comes of that later.

X0 “The Glassgo Job” Episode 1

It was a breezy spring night as the crowd packed in close together heading toward the private condo where the big gala was to take place. A light rain had followed and left a fresh scent to the air and glow on the streets and buildings. Advertising for Zades cigarettes and Burner Detapads flashed on nearby buildings. It was fine night in the purple district of Newark City State. There were five private security druids patrolling the perimeter of the building owned by the millionaire executive Roberto Glassgo. His corporation’s two fully armored druid helicopters were flying overhead around the block taking video footage of the crowd and ready for a sure scene of trouble. This was little bit more security then I had on seeing. However, the extra guards in plain clothes that were staged on the block weren’t mentioned at all in the report for the job.

My new eye took in all these details including the ID numbers on the druids. The plan, Valkrie and I had carefully constructed and had gone to hell the second I had stepped out of the cabbie and started to analyze the situation with cybernetic hyper vision eye. It was time to shift things into a different direction. A wealthy couple pushed me aside to get up to the front of the line heading into the gala.

I was tripped up a bit but I righted myself against a city trash bin. I got out my cigarette and lighter. I put the cherry scented Zades cigarette to my lips and I took a long drag. I exhaled smoke and then I dropped my cigarette to the ground and put it out with my boot heel before pocketing my lighter and pack and then I took out a black box the same size as my cigarette pack and threw it into the trash bin.

The plan had been to use a cover story as a bodyguard for one of the client’s friends. That was a no go. I couldn’t trust any information or help the client had given me and my partner now. We should have done more research luckily I was never hopeful anything would go according to plan. I spotted someone up ahead and focused my cybernetic eye on a possible cover I could use to get inside was up ahead in the crowd.

He was a Pugy face dark plain haircut corporate class man in a black tuxedo. He had an openly friendly wholesome smile with a young average looking young lady in black dress close at his side. New corporate types. The legacy executive classes ignored the couple and the middle class trash corpos made snide looks at them. He was my cover.

Hmm. Okay. Now I needed a ticket inside. I looked around until my eyes spotted a high profile executive having a heated business conversation on his Detapad with a employee. He was fully engrossed in his conversation perfectly ignoring the street traffic around him while his 5’10 security forces plain clothes bodyguard waited close at his side.

I smiled. Easy mark. I started for him taking out my Detapad and I started having a text message with Valkrie updating her on the situation as I headed to the mark and asking for information.

I was close to the mark and the bodyguard had spotted me but he was prepared to ignore me at first sense I hadn’t looked up once and I knew I didn’t look like much of a threat. His training kicked in though as he still positioned himself to protect his client from me running into the mark. He needn’t have bothered. Hell, he really should have stayed home tonight. It was going to be short night for him.

I bomped into the guard hard sending him into his client and I dropped my Detapad kicking it into the direction of my mark. “Sorry about that.” I said but I still had my eyes on Detapad and was moving toward it.

The Mark snatched up the Detapad shoving his bodyguard aside as he marched over toward me. He got close up in my face pushing the Detapad into my hand. I looked up at him in surprise making my eyes go wide for effect. “Hey. I-“

“-Watch were your going Basic. You shouldn’t even be in this district. Get the hell out of here before I have you reported to private security forces.” He said dominantly.

I held up my hands and headed off walked away and mixed into the rhythm of the crowd walking toward the party with my Detapad and the mark’s invitation in my pocket. I had to hurry though because my cover was getting close to the doors heading into the private condo building. I checked my Detapad though before I neared my next target and saw Valkrie give me detailed report on the target. I scanned the information with my eye commiting it to memory before putting away my Detapad and switched into my new persona for the night. I wasn’t Xander Onyx tonight. I was Charlie. Yeah. Charlie Kent. Fun loving new corporate money. Here to have a fun time and be everybody’s best friend.

Largo’s Flame Episode 7

I sat down to play a game with Azibo as he set up the board. It felt normal just moving from the city to the village. There was still a weirdness to it.

“What was your life like in the city?” Azibo asked.

I shrugged. “Not much to tell. I grew up fighting in the streets. Omarion and me teamed up to survive.

“What happened next?” Azibo asked.

I smiled. “We grew up. Got jobs in the security forces and partnered together because no one else trusts Roins. We worked good together and decided to start out own pack sense everyone already thought of us as brothers we became brothers officially with the help of a silent sponsor who acted as our official pack mother.”

I frowned as I thought about what happened next. “Things went to shit after couple of years right when Omarion was set to be promoted to the executive class. It was my fault.. I cost us our jobs by failing to show up for an important job and then I fucked him over when I tried to use the name of our silent third member of our pack to get us out of it.”

Omarion took all the heat for me and spent a year in the Pin with hard labor in the diamond mines. When he got out I didn’t know how he would greet me. I just showed up to give him some credits and my car.

Omarion just hugged me and asked me to him to get him some work to do. He’s never mentioned that time again but I promised myself I would always be there for him.”

Azibo smiled. “You have a question for me. Ask it.”

“So why did you change me into an elemental alien?”

Azibo shook his head. “You are what you are. There is no dragon that can change mortals into what we are.”

“So you knew-” I stopped because Azibo shook his head.

“No. We do not have absolute knowledge. We are different from the mortals but not better. Show me. Your days in the city.”

I thought of my childhood and youth growing up in the city.

I stopped. “You said my mother took me from you. I have to ask. Am I really your son or was that some alien bullshit metaphor so-“

“Largo.” Azibo said patiently. “Do you believe Ren’s relationship with Lightning baby is metaphorical?! Do you really think they do not have sex?!” He said and then grinned at me. “You are still so very young and adorable.”

I could feel my face burning in embarrassment. Damn. “Okay so then why do I look like-“

“You look fine. You look as you should. These forms we have are clothing for us Largo. Nothing more. You have time. You are only days old by our lifespan. What gifts have you brought back from the city?” Azibo asked.

I sighed as I got up and stood in the middle of village and snapped my fingers.

Azibo frowned at the solar panels. “What are those?”

I smiled. “I plan on upgrading the village a little. So you and the villagers can least stay up to date on the goings on in the dream realm.”

Largo’s Flame Episode 6

This is surprising. Cy was coming at me like a bullet train. I had to do my best to avoid his attacks.

The circle formed under our feet around us. The fight changed suddenly.

I was on the edge and I felt the thrill but I was fighting Cy and enjoying every minute of it. Cy started laughing as the gold disappeared from his eyes and he smiled at me as a free man again.

Suddenly we were thrown the ground. Pain hit every part of my body.

Then the asshole Boss invader stood over us. He wanted. Damn. This was it but then I heard him scream out in pain as red lightning hit him from behind.


Omarion kept up his attack blasting Fish head with a lightning storm of red flames and lightning. He kept up the attack as the alien started running to escape but Omarion kept up the attack tracking him down until he brought him down inside the authority building.

Largo’s Flame Episode 5

We took off for authority Square. On the way Omarion updated me on what happening for the last few months sense I was away. Cy had got into it with another Dragon in the realms and lost a fight with him and became enslaved to him. The takeover was happening now but Lighting Baby and the Nomads were holding the Outlands and parts of the city still.

Months?! Shit. It’s hard to imagine but it was true though the city didn’t change much sense I was away.

We finally reached the square. I was treated to a sorry sight. Cy was under some kind of hypnosis standing obediently with his master sitting with a shit eating grin and a man in suit to his right glaring at me.

I got off my bike and started to them. Pain hit me from behind.

Fucker hit me with a blast of some type of energy that was sending weird messages into my head about who I was and how much I loved the one who owned my soul. I shook that shit off. No owned me.

The fucker got closer to me smacking the shit out of me on the back of the head. The messages grew in intensity but I ignored them I was fucking pissed off now. My speed increased and caught that fucker with a right cross. Fucker went down easy.

I then grabbed him quickly and threw him out of my realm. “Get the fuck off my property, bitch.”

A weird silence fell as I turned to the Boss that had invaded my home realm. “You ready to join him.”

A review of the last scene of a trash bag movie

This is my thoughts of a scene of some bullshit movie named The Last American virgin. No. I ain’t watching this shit.

I’m turning into an Old ass bastard. I really am. If I had saw this clip maybe six years ago I might have felt sad for the dude lusting after some chick with a average looking face and a below average body. I can’t even put myself in the dude’s shoes. My reaction to a chick not liking me is, I honest to God don’t give a fuck. I could careless.

1st reaction. I don’t give fuck.

2nd reaction. Fuck her and fuck him too. Look around the party. Chances are there is a phat ass chick around here with a okay face and better tits this back bottom chick this fucking dumbass is lusting for.


If you are a believer I got no hate against you. But, holy fucking shit bro. Let’s call it what it fucking is bro. I’m in love with the idea of smashing a 5’5 shorty with a dip in the back and a nice smile. I don’t mind if she talks a lot just as long as I want to fuck her and she wants to be fucked by me.

Example of love

Look at this fine ass AI chick with child birthing hips. Some where in Texas this chick exist.

I am Anti-romance. Romance is complete bullshit to me. It don’t make sense and I don’t believe in it. Every time I hear the words “I fell in love or I’m in love with my boyfriend or I’m in love with my wife. I want to throw up in my own pants. I don’t say shit. I ain’t ruining nobody’s good time but holy fucking shit. All they’re saying is I enjoy fucking my best friend. Hard. Down and dirty.

Look I do believe in friendship but romance is bullshit. Men in general want to fuck women. In the modern 1st world shit hole society we call it “falling in love” because a man wants to be friends with the woman he wants to fuck.

Why people cheat?!

For men, “Yo she was pushing up on me and I was drunk and haven’t had any sex for two weeks from my wife.” Or honestly. “I had the option to do it and I wanted to do it.”

For women, “It didn’t mean anything. It was an attraction. I needed him to bend over me a table because he looked at me and told me to bark like a dog. I had to have it. I still love you baby and I love the family we built together. I just need to fuck Hank every once in while. Why can’t you understand my feelings for you. You are the love of my life. My soul mate and life partner.”

Now I’m joking around a bit to say one thing. Romance is complete bullshit. She didn’t fall out of love with you she just didn’t want to fuck you she wanted to be fucked by Tyrone at the back of the gas station at their usual spot on a Wednesday evening after work.

Largo’s Flame Episode 4

Another fucking invader war. This time was different though. I was different. What the fuck had happened to me?

What the fuck had Azibo done to me?

I was punching back hard against the invaders. But, I could sense their leader watching. Another damn alien testing me.

I could feel the asshole watching me. Why? It most had something to do with Azibo. But, I wasn’t fucking playing these fuckers.

“Fuck this shit!”

I thought of Omarion and reached for him and started pulling him out of whatever situation he was in to stand at my side. He stared at me in confusion and then he smiled at me realizing who I was now.

Omarion took my shoulders. “Your back.”

I smiled noddeding my head. “I’m back. I couldn’t let you fight another war with me.”

He patted my shoulders. “You showed up in time brother. We got to go. There’s a meeting in authority Square! They him.” He said.

I frowned. “They have who?”

“Cy. They have Cy.” He said.

Largo’s Flame Episode 3

What the fuck was I doing? Fuck. Azibo had me digging a damn well for the village and I wasn’t asking anymore why of it just going along.

Hell I got in a few games of chess as I waited for whatever answers it is Azibo was holding back from me. There was something. I felt it and I knew everyone in the village knew what it was but me.

I started to get comfortable and then I felt something was off. Omarion. He was hurt and in trouble.

When I imagined him in trouble I came to myself and started packing for the trip back to the city. I was heading to my bike when Azibo stopped me. “Your training is over. You will not get back in time on your bike.”

“I’ve had enough of games alien. Don’t get in my way. I’ve wasted enough time here.”

“No games. I’m suggesting you just take one step and you’ll return to the city. Picture the city in your head and your brother’s elemental flame energy. You will appear in the city near him. Don’t try just do it.”

I stared at him. “Why did you bring me here?”

“I did not call you here. You called out to me. Everything I have is yours, Largo. Though your mother took you away from me. You still found your way back home to your people to me. We will talk later. Do as I say. Your brother needs your help. Go. NOW!”

My mind felt weird for a second like it was slight in two. I was in two places at once but I existed outside of both and then I fell. Downward until. I landed back in the city. I had questions but I put those questions aside. I needed to find my brother. I needed to find Omarion.

Largo’s Flame Episode 2

I didn’t know what Ren was going to push at me but I was interested. I heard a weird sound before he made a pose centering his power and then pushed it out.

I went flying and then woke up a day later with Ren offering me a bowl of rice for breakfast. I smiled and took the bowl.

Couple of days later I had another match with him.

The same result but I was really having fun. It really was enjoyable just not having to think about the grind or money to be made for now. I looked for Azibo and found him farming with the villagers. He told me to keep challenging Ren until I learned the lesson and reminded me not worry because everything he had was mean. I had questions.

Azibo never bothered to tell me what the fuck that lesson was directly or why he even called me here. Elemental Aliens were a weird bunch. All this mystery bullshit and strange head games. Cy was the only Alien I ever met to be straight up and talk like a human. Fuck it. I would figure out.

But, for the moment I was having a fun time. It had been awhile sense I had really felt that sense of relaxing and taking days one at time if ever.

The fights weren’t ever that serious but I had gained a new friend and sense of what the lesson might be.